An exciting new Kid’s Page on Community Rail Cumbria’s website

Whenever you plan a journey involving kids it’s so important to keep them entertained – Community Rail Cumbria has created an exciting ‘Kid’s Page’ on our website which offers interactive activities designed to help young people have an inspiring and memorable rail journey – no matter the distance!

Fun stories, games and puzzles for children of all ages, plus essential learning about rail safety and understanding how the railway impacts the environment.

A simple click on the bar on the home page of the website will take you and your child directly to the page and the fun will begin!

Many of the activities can be downloaded and printed at home to be enjoyed anytime, anywhere, but especially on that special train day out so don’t forget a pencil and crayons!

The page also provides educational resources for teachers and parents which offer a variety of rail based information and further learning to share.

We will be adding further materials to the webpage so if you know of a great rail based resource which young people may enjoy please get in touch.

Spread the word and enjoy your railway adventures, happily and safely!